Don’t Blame It On The Sunshine

A little bit of extra sunshine floated in my window a few days back when Purple Law Lady from Fibromodem very kindly nominated me for a Sunshine Award. I’m not blaming her or the sunshine… actually I love it.  It’s still winter here so any extra sunshine is always welcome.  So an enormous thank you to PLL. 🙂

If you have fibromyalgia, or know someone who does her blog is a great blog to check out.  She has so much information there and is so enthusiastic in finding ways to manage fibro.  And hey, she’s from across the ditch, in Australia so we’re almost neighbours.

Here are the rules:

1.  If you are nominated, you must blog a post linking back to the person/blog that nominated you.

2. You must answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post!

3. You should comment on your nominees’ blogs to let them know you’ve nominated them.

So, here are the questions:

1. Who is your favourite philosopher?  In a previous post I named Calvin and Hobbes, because they are just the best.  But seeing I’ve named them before, today I’m going with Eleanor Roosevelt.  Now she might not be what you consider a philosopher to be, but she has some damn good words of wisdom.

2. What is your favourite number?  I don’t really have one but I’ll go for my birthday which is 11.

3.   What is your favourite animal?  Bears, any bears although I won’t be too keen to get up close.

4.    What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs? 



Feel free to join me at either. 🙂

5. What is your favourite time of the day?  Sunrise.  Love it.

6. What was your favourite vacation?  I think I’ve told you about my favourite trip through Canada years ago so this time I’m going with Lake Rotoiti.  It’s a small lake just out of Rotorua in the North Island of New Zealand.  Some friends own a bach (that’s kiwi for holiday home) up there and my ex and I often borrowed it.  It was fantastic.  Very basic and very tranquil, not to mention gorgeous surroundings and just a little way off the beaten track.  Unfortunately the friends were really friends of my ex, so he still gets to go but not me.  But hey, I have my life!

7. What is your favourite physical activity?  If I didn’t have fibro I’d say cycling, but needless to say my bike is sitting unloved in the garage. 😦

8. What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink? This changes but right now I’m addicted to iced coffee (without the cream) or frappes.

9. What is your favourite flower? I love daisies but actually I just love flowers.  In my dreams when I am rich (LOL) I’ll have lots of flowers inside and out.  The only flowers I don’t like is geraniums, because I can’t stand the smell.

10. What is your passion?  So I’m only allowed one?  I have lots, and some of them you can read in The Passions Profile Challenge posts.  I spent way too long not being passionate about anything, so I’m making up for lost time.

My ’10’ Blogger Nominees

(actually I’m not going to 10, and reserve the right to award more later):


I Was Just Thinking. . .

Seasons Change, and so have I

Pride in Madness


My Bipolar Bubble



22 thoughts on “Don’t Blame It On The Sunshine

  1. Great answers! I sure wish it was winter here like it is in NZ. It’s so hot here right now, mid-summer. I can’t wait for the fall. You mention that you like bears. Have you ever seen the youtube video of the Kodiak bear that waves at people? It’s the cutest and funniest thing. Here’s a link to one of the videos, but you can find others that people have taken of him on youtube too if you wanna watch more. He’s adorable. 🙂

  2. I know you received a nomination like me from purple law lady but I really like your posts, which are honest, thought provoking and well written, so i had to nominate you again!

    1. Aww thank you. That’s really nice and hey, more sunsine is always welcome in winter. Unfortunately there’s none in my neck of the woods today so yours is very welcome. Thanks. 🙂

      1. at least it’s winter in your neck of the woods, it’s supposed to be some sort of summer here in Ireland and still we get no sun! i think it’s Dunedin that’s supposed to have a similar rainfall to us but i could be wrong?

  3. Pingback: Here Comes The Sun | Infinite Sadness… or hope?

  4. Down there, you call the water between New Zealand and Australia “the ditch”? I’m a little amused by this. It’s so much more earthy than what we call the English Channel, which is “the pond.”

    1. LOL. Yep the Tasman Sea is the ditch, but one with water. I didn’t know yours was the pond. Now at least I’ll know what people are talking about. Thanks 🙂

      1. The United States is quite common, too, but I think it also has pretensions for being “classy,” whereas perhaps you guys just own it. That would explain why so many Americans care about the royal family anyway.

  5. Pingback: It’s Happened Again! | I Was Just Thinking. . .

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